Radigan Roundup Sunday June 5th

12th st Bar & Grill , 1123 8th ave , Brooklyn NY

Radigan Roundup kicks off june with the fabuloso Avi Wisnia, Lara Ewen, Monica Passin, Jack Tannehill & Shaky Dave. Come join in the fun. This Sunday at 7.30 at the equally fabuloso 12th st Bar & Grill ~

Monica Passin https://youtu.be/wAeu1zSIycs

Avi Wisnia https://youtu.be/K7Y1OVbOdO4

Lara Ewen http://www.unstrungmusic.com/music.html

Jack Tannehill https://youtu.be/Yzctueh_EWA?t=36s